“Omai is a Japanese restaurant serving temaki hand rolls and sake along with tapas inspired by other Asian regions. “Omai” roughly translates to “mom” in a North Korean dialect, which Edward Bang, who co-owns the restaurant along with Jason Ching, spoke in his household growing up. The neon Chinese character on the wall also means “mom,” and like the cuisine here is recognized in Chinese, Korean and Japanese cultures. Temaki are simple made-to-order hand rolls, intended to go down the hatch as quickly as possible one at a time, following the protocol of high-end sushi joint. In the same fashion, temaki are pre-seasoned, though you are presented with optional soy sauce.” - Amy Carlberg, blogTO, November 3rd, 2017 / Crédit photos :Omai
“Omai is a Japanese restaurant serving temaki hand rolls and sake along with tapas inspired by other Asian regions. “Omai” roughly translates to “mom” in a North Korean dialect, which Edward Bang, who co-owns the restaurant along with Jason Ching, spoke in his household growing up. The neon Chinese character on the wall also means “mom,” and like the cuisine here is recognized in Chinese, Korean and Japanese cultures. Temaki are simple made-to-order hand rolls, intended to go down the hatch as quickly as possible one at a time, following the protocol of high-end sushi joint. In the same fashion, temaki are pre-seasoned, though you are presented with optional soy sauce.” - Amy Carlberg, blogTO, November 3rd, 2017 / Photo credit :Omai