”Branca is an Argentinian grillhouse located on Dundas West at Lansdowne, well past the bustling stretch of new restaurants extending westward from Ossington...Chef Kanida Chey employs authentic South American grilling techniques here at Branca...The main attraction is the selection from the grill; meats are cooked on temperature-controlled, V-shaped grates over hot embers that are raked under from an indirect fire built to the side.” — Liora Ipsum, BlogTO/ Photo Credit: Branca
”Branca is an Argentinian grillhouse located on Dundas West at Lansdowne, well past the bustling stretch of new restaurants extending westward from Ossington...Chef Kanida Chey employs authentic South American grilling techniques here at Branca...The main attraction is the selection from the grill; meats are cooked on temperature-controlled, V-shaped grates over hot embers that are raked under from an indirect fire built to the side.” — Liora Ipsum, BlogTO/ Photo Credit: Branca