“The vibe is all modern Scandinavian with pale wood, dark slate and light fixtures tipped with copper. Some dishes have names as elegant as a Japanese woodblock print. “Morning dew” is a gelled pearl of saké sitting on iced melon laced with lime; its bracing freshness scrubs the lard from the palate. “Swelling fruit and claw” is what Troiano calls his chilled tomato broth with delicate filaments of crab and pasta, most refreshing on a muggy summer’s eve.” - Amy Pataki, The Star, September 21th, 2018 / Crédit photos : Frilu
“The vibe is all modern Scandinavian with pale wood, dark slate and light fixtures tipped with copper. Some dishes have names as elegant as a Japanese woodblock print. “Morning dew” is a gelled pearl of saké sitting on iced melon laced with lime; its bracing freshness scrubs the lard from the palate. “Swelling fruit and claw” is what Troiano calls his chilled tomato broth with delicate filaments of crab and pasta, most refreshing on a muggy summer’s eve.” - Amy Pataki, The Star, September 21th, 2018 / Photo credit : Frilu